ThisĀ is the scale sequence I teach for beginning string players through more advanced stages:
- Monkey Song (also called a tetrachord). This is half of the scale. I usually teach this with a rhythm such as Mississippi Stop Stop on each note.
- One octave scale starting on open strings. There are three for each instrument. I start by playing it with a rhythm on each string then progress to playing it with quarter notes, half notes, then whole notes on each note.
- One octave scales starting with a “Ringing Tone.” (This would be a third finger start for violin and viola or a fourth finger start for cello.)
- Two Octave Scale starting with the lowest open string.
- One octave scales starting with first finger. There are also three of these for each instrument. I start by playing it with a rhythm on each string then progress to playing it with quarter notes, half notes, then whole notes on each note.
- One octave scales beginning with Low 2 or second finger for cello.
- Two Octave Scales that shift third position for violins and violas.
- Three octave Scale for Violin and Viola Only.
- All Key Signatures in First position. (From Sevcik Opus 1, Book 1)
- One String Scales.
- One octave scales on two strings in all positions.
- Two octave scales on all four strings in all positions.